
List of some of my programs:

(Android app)
Converts different units (temperature, length, volume, etc). Android applications
Backup table creates a script which backups relational table. Tested on MS SQL Server only
Mass_Rename(C#) Wrote it to solve problem with ripping audio books. It rename files in a folder by adding preffix or renaming file name
For example, if an augio book had 5 CDs, all files from the first CD were renemed sa 1-xxx, from the 2nd 2-xxx etc
You need to downoad this program and install on your PC.
FindString(C#) I didn't like Win Search, so I wrote my own. It searches for files which have specific string. You can select file type or any filetype
You need to downoad this program and install on your PC.
Memory_helper It is like private Google search from info I stored. You can store your own text, select a key and a category, and then look
for this info. For example I stored usefull Cobol trics, commands under Cobol category, the same with CICS or C#.
Then I can search using generic key in all categoriesmor i specific cateory
Folders Calculates total capacity of folder - then it sorts it by folder size. Usefull in case you are running out of space and want to find which folder is the bigger
You need to downoad this program and install on your PC.
HexDump Simple screen with displays hex value of text. Just paste a text into the window, click o on the button and you will see hex values
MyWorks A primitive project management. Each time I have a project which involves writing programs, JCL, Stored Procedures etc, all these objects are stored under a Project. For object (program, JCL etc) you can put some notes. When the project is done, I have a list of all object/procedures I have to move to production. It also allow to search all projects for objects I changed,
FileAidForPenniless As the title says - my attempt to create a program which will perform some functions as the fileAid on PC files. From a COBOL copymember it shows the offset of each field, it displays files in hex format or fomatted - showing name of the COBOL field and the value. I also can select records according to specification.
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